It is a bit late, but we thought to share with you the performance of our picks that required in-depth research. We note that while we continue to think the overall equity market is overvalued; as displayed below, our individual picks certainly outperformed the market.
- The AMBlog Index is a market-weighted index consisting of our long calls.
- We have also included information regarding when we made certain calls and how they performed during that period, in the table below.
- Lastly, we went pretty much 1 out of 2 on our short calls. Facebook's (FB) overall performance, which went completely against what we had projected, offset what appeared to have been a good short call on Twitter (TWTR). We note that we discussed these two companies and their valuations before their IPOs.
We are in the process of updating our models on these companies as they report their latest quarterly earnings results. We will provide updates regarding our view of the companies' stocks over time. We are also in the process of stock screening, which will be followed by detailed fundamental research, and if 'worthy', will be posted on this blog.